Monday, September 14, 2009

Day One: September 3

Hey Everybody,

Here's how this is going to work: We are going to create a short travel blog as if it were happening in the moment. It seems that Spain is a country without WiFi, so we couldn't do this live. Anyways, here we go:
September 3, Barcelona

We arrive at 8am local time after flying all night from JFK. Jet lagged beyond belief, somehow Mike's High School Spanish manages to let the cabbie know where we are headed (there will be lots of hand gestures and poorly pronounced Spanish to come). We are staying at the Hotel EuroPark, a recommendation from Dave and Meg, our Barcelona Sherpas (thanks guys!). The hotel lets us check in and we take our first siesta to get acclimated. By noon its time to explore. We've only got two days here and need to make the most of them!

Barcelona is an overwhelmingly interesting place. There is something strange or beautiful on every corner. First we check out the touristy Las Ramblas, a stretch of two parallel walking streets with vendors and shops that heads towards the water. The highlight here is the Boqueria, the world famous market. Stuffed with seafood, meats and produce, it also is peppered with Tapas bars. We sit down for our first meal in Spain and run into this:

Yes, that is a mussel as big as my fist. Apparently the Mediterranean is pumped full of steroids, because this sure isn't what we see back in the states. It was amazing (not surprising) and cheap (shocking).

After getting our fill we continue towards the water, wandering the side streets until we come upon the statue of Columbus, who is famously not facing towards the new in joke I guess.

You will learn from this blog that Kate loves taking panoramic photos. She lives for it. I, on the other hand, live to annoy Kate to death. Notice both passions thriving in this photo:

Upon arrival at the Mediterranean we discover another theme: Sangria is good:

After this long walk we are beat. Still Jet lagged, we call it a siesta. After nap two of the day we have an amazing meal at Madrid Barcelona and walk the town a bit near midnight. Barcelona is a town that reveres Gaudi, a man who's strange architecture defines the city. At night they light up his works. This was a great place to end day one:

Follow this link to see the rest of our pics from Day One. More soon.

-Mike and Kate


  1. FIRST! And AWESOME! I can't wait to continue reading about to your amazing trip. Really, you couldn't bring me back some rice? ;)

    What's that gigantic structure behind your left shoulder in the sangria pic?

  2. Frank, did you just "First" my blog?

    It is some statue on the beach. See it more clearly in the picasa album photo number 47 of 62

  3. I'm already loving this blog! Send me an invi to your picasa album pls :-)

    P.S. It was absolutely awesome to see you guys!!! Too bad we didn't have more time to chat. We must make up for that in the upcoming year.

  4. THIRD!......and how I love blogs! Kate was really good at it doing the "wedding" blog and now the combined efforts are beyond entertaining! Can't wait for more of same. Glad your home safely and can see you had a wonderful time. Love, Aunt Pam & Uncle Jim

  5. it's about that mussel. How many of those babies (mamas?) did you put away and who had more Sangria during that event?
    Keep the postings coming.
    Dad and Mom

  6. Okay, it took me two years to read your trip blog, but "two thumbs up!" Very entertaining! The feel-good blog of the year (2009, I guess). Some very funny commentary and fascinating photos. I feel like I've been there now!

    Why didn't you bring me a monkey?

