Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Day Two: Go Go Gadget Gaudi

September 4, Barcelona

Our second day in Barcelona is devoted to three things: Gaudi, wandering and celebrating Kate's birthday (72nd I believe) in style. We start the day from our hotel and venture to see every reasonably close Gaudi work.

From our hotel we head out on foot to La Sagrada Familia. This is the most famous of Gaudi's works and has been under construction since the 1700s. a clear mishmash of styles, it is scheduled to be completed in 2026 (the 100th anniversary of Gaudi's death). If you believe they are going to hit that deadline, I've got a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you. In spite of this impossible task, they are seriously working on this thing. It is a full-scale construction project on a work of art.

After that we head to La Casa Mila, arguably Gaudi's most photographed work. This is a functional office building on the main drag, but it maintains its own sense of uniqueness. I wondered who could possibly afford an office in here, and then I saw the Hermes shop on the first floor.

(that's it on the right)

After that we worked our way through two lesser works, Casa Calvet and Palau Guell. We broke this up with regular stops at Tapas bars. At this point we happened upon our favorite place in Barcelona, this random square...

In this little hidden away place we relaxed with Sangria (pictured before it met Kate at the top of this post, after it met Kate below)...

Listened to wonderful Spanish guitar...

(Sorry its so quiet)

And even came back for another drink at night with all locals...

All in all a pretty good birthday out on the town for the girl I'd say...

For more photos from Barcelona Day 2 click here. Back tomorrow with the next segment...driving through Spain.

Mike and Kate

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a good trip. Can I safely assume each day will be filled with sangria pictures?
